Home Sweet Home. Maybe that’s the metaphor often heard to describe the house in some people. Home is where we live is also a resting and chatting with loved ones. Comfortable home conditions will make the occupants feel at home. Conversely, if the home less care will make the occupants uncomfortable living there. One of the actions that can be done is to renovate the dwelling to make it look good again. If you need more cash for renovate, you can get a loans tips through www.4besto.com.

Home renovation or home building expanding need extra attention in order to minimize swelling maximal cost of renovation and remodeling corresponding results we want. Do not assume that with a bit of repair / renovation costs required then only slightly. Normally, house building will be renovated often associated with other old buildings, such as the roof, ceiling, etc. Therefore, carefully look at the following tips before renovating the house.

 1. Cost / Funding
To renovate one part of the house or expand the building would cost a lot. Such as home mortgages that do not have a kitchen, at least need not cost you a little, and even then with a model kitchen space is very simple. If you have not had that much money, it’s good just buy little by little the necessary building materials. Home renovation expenses required as follows:
– The cost of building materials (cement, sand, coral, iron, white cement, ceramics, paint, etc.)
– Cost Builder
– Other costs (food, drink, etc.)

2. Size of building
The wider the building will be renovated more extra fees required. If you extend the building around 3mx3m, usually the cost is calculated per meter, but the necessary funds must be more than that.

3. Builder
The good beware of choosing a builder, but not all builders problematic. There are two ways in force builders to take wage, ie the daily wage and contract. Both ways there are positive and negative sides. If you select a daily wage, we can see directly how they work, the negative side, most builders deliberately slow home building in order to get paid that much.

 The second method, contract system, in this way to get results fast and good building, eating and drinking artisan beyond dependents. However, a contract system there is a downside, namely, a builder doing sloppy work, home quick, makeshift, and other mischief they are selling building materials homeowner. Avoid check-choke with a builder, once the check-choke, it’s been one of the problems they create. Sometimes the house that should be finished in one month (contract system), instead seems slow, buildings that were neatly deliberately broken again.

 4. Kindly permit with neighbors
Importance please permit next-door neighbor is feared their activities disrupted by the sound of a builder. Regardless of our choice in renovating the house, choosing a builder or hire the services of an architect, of course, want to get the maximum renovations. Dealing with a builder, made them like brothers, given a cake, a drink and a cigarette, reckoning into deeds. May be useful

By Ruby