If you’ve been thinking about what sort of insulation to add to your new or existing home, you may already be familiar with some of the major benefits of spray foam insulation such the increased protection from cold and heat and the subsequent lowering of your bills. However, there are some surprising benefits of spray foam insulation that make it an even more appealing choice for your new or updated home.
1. Preventing Unwanted Guests and Pests
Spray foam insulation has the unique ability to fill cracks and crevices that other types of insulation just can’t reach. Not only does this keep the temperature in your home more steady, but it also keeps out unwanted pests from the outside such as mice, rats, and insects. Furthermore, the sealing of minute cracks also helps keeps out allergens such pollen and dust, providing relief during high allergen seasons. Filling these crevices also prevents water from leaking in, impeding the insidious growth of mold and mildew.
2. Providing Long-Lasting Protection
Traditional insulation methods can have a tendency to sag or deteriorate over time. Spray foam insulation does not and can last you for a much longer period of time. Having your spray foam insulation installed by professional insulation contractors Maryland will ensure your new insulation will last you for years to come.
3. Doing the Earth a Solid: Eco-Friendly
Spray foam insulation is also the greenest option for insulating your home. Spray foam insulation has higher R-value rated material (meaning the insulation provides more protection while taking up less space) than typical insulation, which means your heating and cooling systems will be running most efficiently with minimal energy lost through cracks and crevices. More efficiency means less impact on the planet!
It’s easy to see the benefits of spray foam insulation when you take a close look at all the positives of having insulation that truly fills every corner of your home.